Here she is...

and that's what her dish looked like:

Actually, there's where I learned "the little secret".
"When the water is boiling, hold the octopus from the head and plunge it in and out of the boiling water for three times... then leave it for an hour" she said and that made all the difference I had never had such a tender and delicious octopus!
I decided to try the dish because my long time friend Charlotte, who loves any kind of sea animal was coming home with her "lover", as she calls Philip, and their little son, Alexander.
Another secret Carmen told me is that the octopus has to be frozen for a while before you cook it to break the tissue and make it more tender. So, we did that!
"Once you've had the boiling octopus for half an hour add the potatoes with their peel on (she used the Galician word "cachelos") and let it boil all together for half an hour more..."
When it's done, remove all the water, peel the potatoes and slice them making a potato bed for the octopus.

Then, cut the octopus' legs in small pieces and place them onto the potatoes. Finally sprinkle some sweet red pepper, coarse sea salt or salt flakes and add a nice olive oil on top, generously.
And that's it! Thanks Carmen, you're great!!! and another secret... I was not unfaithful this time!
See what ours looked like...

We certainly enjoyed it, as you can see the totally empty plate and our satisfied faces as little Alexander was taking the picture!